(052) 888 – 6936
I-Rise Tower, Barsha Heights10th Floor, Studio 10E2.

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Junior & Senior Turns, Leaps & Jumps (12 – 17 yrs)

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Junior & Senior Turns, Leaps & Jumps (12 – 17 yrs)

Turns, leaps & jumps will build upon our dancers’ beginner turns, leaps & jumps by incorporating more challenging sequences across the floor with various level turns, leaps &jumps. At this level of training, our dancers will develop greater control, technical understanding and strength to not only help them execute more advanced skills, but also to execute them safely.

  • 8-11

An American dance curriculum and approach.

Highly qualified instructors.

Welcoming and friendly atmosphere.

Attention given to every dancer.

Special attention on developing technique.

Quality and age appropriate music and chorography.

Professional grade sprung flooring.

Inclusive environment.

Most importantly, fun classes.